g.js — graphical objects for JavaScript


Convert values from one range to another.

g.convert(0.2, 0, 1, 0, 100);

This maps a value from an input domain to an output domain.

This operation is used a lot in data visualisation. The input value are in the unit of the data. The output value is often a size, in pixels.

For example, we could map the size of a human, in meters (so between 0 and 2.5), to a radius in pixels from (between 0 and 500):

g.convert(1.8, 0, 2.5, 0, 500);


  • v: The input value.
  • inMin: The minimum input value.
  • inMax: The maximum input value.
  • outMin: The minimum output value.
  • outMax: The maximum output value.